Current Projects

Lake Air BnB

In the Spring of 2024 Classic Landscapes was referred to an acquaintance of an existing customer who had lived in McDonough and owned a local lake home for over 2 decades and wanted to totally renovate the property. The home itself had been renovated and Classic Landscapes was tasked with creating an inviting and usable front and back yard capable of facilitating cars and regular visitors in the front as well as kayaking, fishing and gazing at the serene lake view in the back. After a preliminary master plan was tweaked and finalized, phase one saw the removal of broken old driveway remains and uneven walkway materials in the front to make way for an aggregate drive/walk combination that is friendly to both the tree roots of old growth mature oaks and the owner’s budget as well. The backyard is completely covered by hardwood canopy, so a shade garden was planned to visually complement the boulder staircase and mulch path to keep tree roots protected. Several large native boulders were already in place, so flat Tennessee field stone slabs were hand selected to match the existing boulders on site for functional continuity and a seamless look. Natural mulch is porous and keeps erosion at bay around the shade plantings of Azaleas, Hellebores, Coral Bells, Pieris, Arborvitae Ferns, Hosta and other low maintenance plants installed in phase two. In front sunnier areas allowed for Swamp Sunflowers to boldly display blooms near the street in a swath of wildflowers along with Black Eyed Susans, Shasta Daisies, Gardenias, Viburnums, Dwarf Nandinas and Variegated Sedges. Privacy plantings including native Dwarf Cherry Laurels along with Hollies and sweet- smelling Tea Olives provide a backdrop for the flowering materials while giving privacy on the property edges as they mature. Wi-Fi based low volume drip and multi-stream turf irrigation allows for budget friendly water conserving coverage monitored online for peace of mind and pinpoint use of resources.